University Library

University of North Bengal

Accredited by NAAC

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Book Exhibition on William Shakespeare

A book exhibition on William Shakespeare was held from 25th to 28th April 2023 at the University Library, NBU.

Published On 26.04.2023

A book exhibition on William Shakespeare was held from 25th to 28th April 2023 at the University Library, University of North Bengal. The exhibition showcased an impressive collection of books on the life and works of William Shakespeare.

The University Library is known for its extensive collection of books on literature, and the section on Shakespearean literature is particularly impressive. The library currently houses around 219 books on Shakespeare, making it one of the most comprehensive collections on the subject in the region.

The exhibition aimed to highlight the importance of Shakespearean literature and its impact on modern-day culture. It was well-attended by students, faculty members, and members of the community.

The exhibition was a great success, and it provided an excellent opportunity for students and members of the community to engage with Shakespearean literature.
