University Library

University of North Bengal

Accredited by NAAC

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Orientation Program "Access-from Home”.

On March 2nd, 2022, the University Library, in collaboration with the Centre for Information and Resource Management (CIRM),NBU, arranged an Orientation Program "Access-from-Home" for the University Faculty.

Published On 05.03.2022

On March 2, 2022, the University Library, in collaboration with the Centre for Information and Resource Management (CIRM), University of North Bengal, continued to arranged an Orientation Program "Access-from-Home" for the academic fraternity to promote the use of subscribed electronic resources as well as e-ShodhSindhu (INFLIBNET e-resource Consortium). The orientation programme emphasised remote access to E-Resources via VPN, which was customised by the CIRM, NBU.


The programme was divided into two halves, with each half enduring one hour. The Academic/Administrative department heads have nominated one faculty/officer to participate in the orientation programme for better e-resource use.


  • Orientation for the Faculty of Arts, Commerce & Law. 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM
  • Orientation for the Faculty of Science & Administrative Department. 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM


 Sudeep Basu, System Engineer, CIRM, was the key resource person for the brief programme. In his keynote presentation, he described the remote access facility at the University of North Bengal, as well as its significance and significant characteristics. The session was set up in a fairly interactive mode. He demonstrated how to set up the tool and use it for the service.

The event drew 18 participants from the Faculty of Arts, Commerce, and Law and 20 from the Faculty of Science and Administrative Department. The Librarian expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the CIRM and all participants for such a pleasant session, and he hoped that the faculty/officers would be able to access remote facilities and download e-resources from their homes.
