University Library

University of North Bengal

Accredited by NAAC

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RFID Inauguration program

The University Library, NBU, inaugurated its RFID system on 21st December 2022.

Published On 22.12.2022

NBU library, 21st December 2022: In the presence of Prof. Om Prakash Mishra, Vice-Chancellor, University of North Bengal, Prof. Bratya Basu, Minister-in-Charge, Department of School Education & Higher Education, Govt. of West Bengal, formally unveiled a high-security Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) System installed in the university library for the traceability of the books. Prof. Basu hailed the NBU administration for implementing this kind of technology for the first time in West Bengal.

Students, research scholars, and library staff gathered to commemorate the implementation of the RFID system at the library's Information Hub. The event began with an inauguration song, and the librarian praised the students and staff at all levels for their unwavering commitment to making this technology useful. The Senior Information Scientist also shared his expertise on how this library automation system has gradually evolved into a large scale in West Bengal. The staff who have directly worked with this system were given special thanks, and several of them are invited to the podium to share their experiences.

Afterward, the librarian welcomed RapidRadio Solution Pvt. Ltd. with flowers who commissioned the RFID system and invited them to share their experience. Kaushik Singha, the project manager, spoke on behalf of the company and expressed the desire that they would like to conduct a workshop here in the future on this RFID. The ceremony was declared over with the singing of the National Anthem.
