University Library

University of North Bengal

Accredited by NAAC

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Strengthening the Research Ecosystem with ScienceDirect

Organized by the University Library, NBU in Collaboration with Elsevier on October 4th, 2023.

Published On 05.10.2023

In collaboration with Elsevier, the University of North Bengal successfully conducted the "Strengthening the Research Ecosystem with ScienceDirect" workshop on Wednesday, October 4th, 2023. The workshop aimed to provide valuable insights to faculty members and research scholars, enabling them to make the most of the ScienceDirect platform. The workshop covered various critical areas related to research and academic publishing.

The workshop witnessed the strong participation of 87 individuals, including faculty members and research scholars, showing significant interest in enhancing their research capabilities.

All registered participants of the workshop were provided with participation certificates by Elsevier as a token of appreciation for their active involvement in this insightful session.

The "Strengthening the Research Ecosystem with ScienceDirect" workshop was a valuable resource for faculty members and research scholars at the University of North Bengal. It equipped them with knowledge and skills to enhance their research capabilities and effectively use the ScienceDirect platform.

Ms. Aishwarya Nayal, Customer Consultant at Elsevier, received recognition and appreciation for her informative session, which significantly contributed to the workshop's success. Her expertise and insights were pivotal in enriching the understanding of the attendees.

The University of North Bengal extends its heartfelt gratitude to Ms. Aishwarya Nayal and all the participants for their enthusiastic and active participation in this knowledge-enhancing workshop.
